Participatory Democracy process

Slavery and Colonial Legacy

How interested, if at all, are you in finding out more about Glasgow’s links to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Plantation slavery?

How interested, if at all, are you in finding out more about Glasgow’s links to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Plantation slavery?

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Open answers (19)

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  • CharlesA22

    Too narrow. Need to explore more widely the exploitation of the masses throw out human history. Only then can you understand this element if the human condition.

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      • Danny B

        It is an important part of the cities history and should be acknowledged and understood.

        1 vote  | 
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        • barbara.cooney99

          It is very important important for Glaswegians to understand the full truth of the history of our city. Ignorance is no excuse.

          2 votes  | 
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          • Save Our Statues

            This politically popular topic has already been over-researched and focused on to the detriment of many other stories from Glasgow's rich history.

            5 votes  | 
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