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Participatory Democracy process

Road Safety Digital Roundtable

What is your preferred mode of transport for getting around the city and why?

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Open answers (76)

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        • P

          Cycling for distances of over 1km, but otherwise walking and sometimes public transport.

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          • C
            Council Officer RSU  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-10-16 12:07:30

            That's good to hear, a lot of shorter journeys made by car are unnecessary and walking and cycling is certainly the best choice.

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          • B

            Cycling is reliable, I can always get from A-B in the time I have allowed, traffic isn't (usually) a huge issue and the only big one in Glasgow is making sure you're suitably attired for the weather. Cycling is cheap, very fun and should be super easy to choose over a car. I have a cargo bike and use it as my main mode of transport for a kid and a dog too

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            • C
              Council Officer RSU  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-10-12 14:45:57

              That's great to hear, would be interested to hear more about your experience whilst out cycling with the cargo bike and kids. We provide schools with on road cycle training and support walking and bike buses to school, so always looking for good experiences to encourage more people to choose active travel

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              • B

                its actually quite a challenge, especially where I am required to cross at pedestrian crossings with tight chicanes. There are lots of cycle routes I can't use because of this so I am forced back onto roads away from segregated infrastructure as its just not possible for me to access easily. Anything that requires me to come off the bike and push for any length of time is a non-starter as are very tight turns. Shared paths are ok, but I do feel that I (unwittingly) intimidate pedestrians which I don't want to do, even though I go slow and am careful and experienced. A review of new infrastructure to reduce these conflicts and to allow for non-standard bikes is very important to me

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                • C
                  Council Officer RSU  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-10-19 11:42:25

                  Thanks, that's good to know and something I will pass on to our design teams - we need to plan for the future and learn more about how people travel and the obstacles they face, so thanks again for the insight.

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                    • G

                      Faster, cheaper than a car or public transport + health benefits

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                      • C
                        Council Officer RSU  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-10-12 14:47:13

                        That's good to hear, we are always promoting the health benefits of cycling to encourage more uptake.

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