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Slavery and Colonial Legacy
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QR Codes on Statues

G GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-05-18  •  1 comment

Proposal code: GlasgowCommunityChoices-2023-05-2

QR Codes should be displayed on eight statues around George Square which link to information on the person commemorated by the statue, specifically their role in the transatlantic slave trade.

QR codes should be displayed on the following statues in Glasgow: Colin Campbell, William Gladstone, John Moore, David Livingstone, James Oswald, Robert Peel Jnr, James Watt and King William.

Information taken from “Glasgow, Slavery and Atlantic Commerce: An Audit of Historic Connections and Modern Legacies” by Stephen Mullen (March 2022) should be provided.

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  • C

    There we have it "... specifically their role in the transatlantic slave trade" this whole thing is PURELY to vilify these people and paint them in the worst possible light. This is exactly what I expected this would be about, this isnt about education or history, its about stoking division and opening 200 year old wounds in order to cause racial animosity

    If a third sector organisation or private business wishes to do this (with ZERO financial support from GCC) then they are welcome to however under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever should GCC waste a single penny of tax payers money on this divisive and wholly unnecessary project.

    The people of Glasgow have far more serious, real world problems that need attention rather this this attempt to drag up 200 year old racial issues which no one alive today has any involvement. This is nothing more than an attempt by those who stand to gain personally (whether politically or financially) to stir up racial division and animosity.

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