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Slavery and Colonial Legacy


In September 2020, Glasgow City Council approved the motion 'Black Lives Matter, slavery legacy and anti-racist initiatives'.  As a result of this, there was a commitment to look at some key areas including:

-  The ongoing work to recognise the historic legacy of slavery -  Developing a civic conversation regarding the history of the city and, -  How best the complete history of the city can be understood and embraced

This online civic conversation continues the work of the Slavery and Colonial Legacy Working Group with a view to preparing a report by consideration by Glasgow City Council.



2023-05-18  •  1 comment  •  GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  All city

Plaques should be displayed on buildings which were bought or paid for using money created through enslaved people.

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Support for a national museum on Scotland’s role in empire and slavery

2023-05-30  •  1 comment  •  crerscotland  •  All city

National museum in Scotland to look at Scottish role in empire and slavery

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QR Codes on Statues

2023-05-18  •  1 comment  •  GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  All city

QR Codes should be displayed on eight statues around George Square which link to information on the person commemorated by the statue, specifically their role in the transatlantic slave trade.

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Anti-racism curriculum development in Glasgow’s schools

2023-05-30  •  1 comment  •  crerscotland  •  All city

Ensuring schools are sites of anti-racism

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School Curriculum

2023-05-24  •  1 comment  •  bellingham2016  •  All city

We acknowledge that Scotland was a prominent part of the British empire and benefited from and often spear heading colonialism.

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We all know slavery is wrong

2023-06-09  •  No comments  •  Citizen  •  All city

GCC will pass a motion noting that slavery is wrong and celebrating that Glasgow no longer trades in slaves

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Online Course

Slavery and Colonial Legacy Online Course

2023-05-18  •  1 comment  •  GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  All city

The creation of an online course providing factual information on the role of Glasgow and Glaswegians in slavery should be funded by Glasgow City Council and offered to all Glasgow residents.

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Research project into Glasgow’s historical ties to the British Empire

2023-05-30  •  1 comment  •  crerscotland  •  All city

Research into Glasgow's ties to the British Empire

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Fox Street

QR Code on Fox Street

2023-05-18  •  1 comment  •  GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  All city

QR Code should be displayed on Fox Street which links to information on Charles James Fox, specifically his role in supporting the abolition of slavery.

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3 votes
Trail Map

Slavery and Colonial Legacy Trail

2023-05-18  •  3 comments  •  GT  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  All city

A Slavery and Colonial Legacy Trail should be created, following a similar format to the Glasgow Mural Trail.

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