Glasgow City Council Officer
• 1 comment
Proposal code:
Plaques should be displayed on buildings which were bought or paid for using money created through enslaved people.
There are a number of buildings in Glasgow which have been identified as being bought or paid for by people who benefited from the transatlantic slave trade. They used money which came from the profits of trade using enslaved people. A prominent plaque should be displayed on each of these buildings in perpetuity clearly stating where the money for the building came from. It would be a simple, but striking plaque, with a strong visual reminder to residents and visitors to the city.
If a third sector organisation or private business wishes to do this (with ZERO financial support from GCC) then they are welcome to however under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever should GCC waste a single penny of tax payers money on this divisive and wholly unnecessary project.
The people of Glasgow have far more serious, real world problems that need attention rather this this attempt to drag up 200 year old racial issues which no one alive today has any involvement. This is nothing more than an attempt by those who stand to gain personally (whether politically or financially) to stir up racial division and animosity.
If a third sector organisation or private business wishes to do this (with ZERO financial support from GCC) then they are welcome to however under absolutely no circumstances whatsoever should GCC waste a single penny of tax payers money on this divisive and wholly unnecessary project.
The people of Glasgow have far more serious, real world problems that need attention rather this this attempt to drag up 200 year old racial issues which no one alive today has any involvement. This is nothing more than an attempt by those who stand to gain personally (whether politically or financially) to stir up racial division and animosity.