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Participatory Democracy process

Slavery and Colonial Legacy

Glasgow City Council plans to address the very visible connections to slavery legacy in streets, statues, and public space. How do you think the city can best achieve this? Some examples are listed, please include any other ideas.

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Open answers (25)

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  • C

    "Very visible connections to slavery" I haven't seen any docked slave boats or cages around Glasgow, nor have I seen any slave auction houses or adverts. Perhaps my interpretation of "Very visible" is different.

    The only connection is the street names and statues, I would point out however that the vast majority of people have absolutely no idea of the links between these names and slavery and even fewer would see this as some sort of advert for slavery nor in any way an endorsement of it. The overwhelming majority of people know, rightly, that slavery is vile. Having a street named after someone who amongst a range of achievements had some involvement in slavery at a time when slavery was normalised across the globe is not something that needs to be "addressed" by GCC using public funds.

    Again ANY information, resources, plaques etc MUST fully outline the context and truth of the realities of the time to hide or obfuscate this context is propagandist at best.

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    • W

      The council should leave well alone as a city we no doubt have links to slavery. This at best can be acknowledged however renaming or removing statues is wrong as these people have helped make the city what it was once was They are not celebrated because they were slavers but were thought to be great men or women The council would do well to concentrate on routing out the modern slavers that operate within the city boundary every day

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      • D

        It Wisnae Us: The Truth about Glasgow and Slavery - this book offers a lot of insight into why these successful people should be contextualised. If they traded in slavery then it should be made abundantly clear to draw the connections between the slave trade, wealth and the injustices caused. Their wealth, made from slavery, made them out to be successful/great people. So this should be highlighted. And yes, modern slavery should be rooted out and an acknowledgement to past injustices can help highlight how slavery persists

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      • S

        There is no need for any action. This is divisive politics, stirring up problems resolved a long time ago. It's not the job of government to interpret history, and plaques and codes are blunt instruments for a complicated job. I'm sure the city has many real problems affecting real people today that public resources can be much better directed toward.

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        • A

          Just leave things as they are, no ned for any changes.

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          • M

            Why when we are so proud of our city do we want to sanitise certain parts of its history to suit political agendas?

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            • J

              I would not be happy with this as I feel that in a time of fiscal prudence and when people are having to pay to get bins cleaned and our roads are full of potholes this is the least of the majority of peoples worries and suggest the money be better spent on services that affect people in the modern times

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              • G

                if anything, linking to QR codes, but how much is this going to cost, we have roads falling apart, bins not getting lifted, a city centre that is a disgrace and GCC is worried about something that happened hundreds of years ago and majority of folk now living dont give a damn or got anything from it

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                • D

                  Leave it be

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                  • K

                    None of the above. Keep them as they are.

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                    • C

                      Plaques and QR codes for more info

                      1 vote  | 
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