Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

We have established a website that provides greater access to non-personal information about Glasgow ( It provides maps, and stories about data, and provides access to the actual data itself. The aim is to open up more and more data to better inform people and communities. What other information would you like to be made available? How else would you like information to be presented?

Examples include: Footfall in the city centre, a breakdown of how Community Partnership grants are distributed, City lets information, low-emission zones, licensed premises, road safety accident data, community managed facilities, housing land supply, location of fixed penalty notices, school catchment areas, location of green belts and green networks, real-time and historical traffic information

Open answers (6)

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  • Twentyminuteme

    Land/building ownership especially around derelict land/buildings, so communities can easily establish problem buildings/areas and who is responsible, including when it's the council (or especially!) as it's not always easy (or free) to find this information. Definitely having some kind of outreach to communities to teach HOW to use this and what uses it can serve for them. Have demonstrations/training sessions with Community Councils who may be able to assist communities directly and/or direct them to this if relevant and useful.

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    • Mhor_Collective

      Mhor Collective:
      We would ask that such maps be through a community-led approach to ensure that power and ownership is devolved.
      Information should be presented in a range of ways (audio/visual/multilingual) to open up accessibility and through a single access which does not require data upload of any sort to use
      If the data is open and available to the public, strong efforts should be made to roll out information to the public on how they can use this data to inform and improve their communities. It’s not enough to say “we have open data” if it sits behind a barrier of technical competence, you should perform outreach to make it accessible, useful and meaningful for the full population. This would be a really energising and democratising process for Glasgow if done well.

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      • Hillhead High School

        Achievements from other schools to allow schools to learn from each other. This information should be more than attainment, also wider achievements within/outwith the school.
        This website could incorporate a pupil zone which acts as a centralised area for resources/area to ask questions to assist learning and revision.
        Opportunities for things that young people can get involved with - work experience within the city, part time jobs etc
        Young person area of the website specifically
        Pupils would like information on local spending, history of local businesses, housing availability within Glasgow, future economic plans. Pupils like the voting function but would like this to be filtered by local areas.

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        • BannermanHigh

          More information related to young people - ie services and opportunities

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          • SMcD

            GYIP Staff - Would be good to get a more comprehensive picture of all services; youth, sports and more. Notifications from particular organisations or selected activities would be good rather than requiring repeat searches

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            • SMcD

              Youth Clubs, Sports Clubs, Information on other places to go and things to do. Filters to young people activity. Set it up to alert you based on your preferences

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