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Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028


Glasgow City Council are drafting a Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028.

The Communities of Glasgow are asked to inform the 'Digital Society' part of the strategy; the part relating to people.

The aim of the strategy is to provide a coherent and comprehensive vision and plan that allows Glasgow to take advantage of the opportunities of digitisation and address the challenges that it presents in line with the priorities set out for the city in the Council’s Strategic Plan, and other key strategies for the city, such as the Glasgow Economic Strategy, Climate Action Plan and Open Government Action Plan.

Whereas the Digital Glasgow Strategy for 2018-2023 was split into two main parts: Digital Economy and Digital Public Services, we have decided to split the strategy into three parts to increase the focus on people. There were many actions contained within the previous strategy (digital inclusion, skills, ethics, privacy, community empowerment, etc) that related to people; however, they were split across the Digital Economy and Digital Public Services. By separating this out into a new part called 'Digital Society' we aim to demonstrate a more coherent vision for what the strategy means for the people of Glasgow.

laptop computer displaying lines of programming code, with a blurred coffee cup in backgroundGlasgow City Council are drafting a Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028. The Communities of Glasgow are asked to inform the 'Digital Society' part of the strategy; the part relating to people.

Stakeholders in this online enagement are the residents and communities of Glasgow, Council officers with a remit for implementing the strategy, partners, and other poeple with an interest in Glasgow's digital technology.

This online engagement has two phases:

  • During the 'debate' phase you will be able to debate the questions, providing valuable insight to inform the strategy
  • During the 'comments' phase the full draft Digital Glasgow Strategy will be available for comment prior to consideration by Glasgow City Council

The previous Digital Glasgow Strategy, published in October 2018, sets out Glasgow City Council's priorities and commitments to developing Glasgow’s digital economy and transforming our public services through the use of digital technology. It is a bold and comprehensive strategy that recognises the rate and scale of technological change and the opportunities for (and challenges to) global economies society, and the delivery of public services. It sets out a vision for Glasgow to be:

“A world class city with a thriving digital economy and community, where everyone can flourish and benefit from the best digital connectivity and skills, where technology is used to improve everyone’s quality of life, drive businesses’ innovation and service design and improve our city, its neighbourhoods and its success”.


Since the publication of the strategy, two annual reports have been produced which cover implementation progress, major delivery achievements, challenges and barriers to implementation, impact of COVID-19, and key recommendations moving forward.