Digital is moving at an extremely fast pace and whilst it provides many opportunities for people, communities around the world face a number of common challenges. These include digital inclusion, the equality and accessibility of digital services, privacy and security, surveillance concerns, being safe online, wide-spread misinformation, transparency of how data is used, and the ethical use of data (and artificial intelligence (AI)). What more can we do at a city or community level to help people with these challenges?

Open answers (9)

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  • Switchqueen

    Free, open access to wifi internet city wide. People who can’t afford internet contracts are left excluded from many aspects of their local and wider community.

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    • Hillhead High School

      Masterclasses for vulnerable people to promote inclusion
      Still have the option for non-digital services
      Better connection to wifi in public places
      Education on scams/data theft

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      • Martina_Johnston-Gray_379

        Need to have a strategic approach with proper investment in refurbishing digital devices. It not only provides citizens who can't afford it with a device and also prevents huge amount of reusable equipment going to landfill. The major concern is data and how it is destroyed this is relatively easy to do and certificates proving destruction can be issued. Refurbishing on a larger scale can also provide training & employability opportunities. Many countries also see access to internet as a human right, Community broadband with free or low cost WIFI is also possible with innovation & investment, this will become more pressing as more services & supports move online.

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        • Twentyminuteme

          I'm going to go a different direction here and say, there should always be an alternative, sustainable way to access information and services, for someone who doesn't have or want a smartphone/tablet/to use the internet. For everything. Always. As soon as we remove that option completely, then we're slaves to the technology, not the other way around. Already I find there are apps I might need to use for daily life that require me to upgrade my phone to access. This shouldn't be a necessity, as it seems designed to further consumption not reduce it. How that looks in practice I can't say, but nothing should reach the point (or if it has, should be regressed somehow) where you absolutely cannot access otherwise. Another way of looking at it is to also prioritise humanity in all of this. Don't do digital only just because it's faster/cheaper/more convenient for the majority. Ask whether the technology is working for us in every single case, not purely for a bottom line.

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          • Mhor_Collective

            Mhor Collective:
            Embed digital champions / commit to continual activity in digital inclusion generally

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            • Switchqueen

              Support and education in how to assess the reliability of online sources. What to do when something goes wrong, before people are draw into doing things they shouldn’t or wouldn’t want to do.

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              • SMcD

                GYIP Girls - Being aware of safety online with the ability to recognise and stay away from "creepy men". Support and education for young people and victims is important.

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                • SMcD

                  GYIP Staff - Large duty of care for GCC to ensure that those developing the software are making sure that safety and safeguarding are prioritised to keep young people safe.

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                    • SMcD

                      GYIP- Worried about stealing/cloning personal details. Accessing devices e.g. phones. Dangers should be promoted to young people more

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