Glasgow City Council would like to hear from the communities of Glasgow how road safety can be improved across the city.
Through this digital roundtable , you have the opportunity to put forward ideas to the Council and partners to improve road safety.
Additional information
Glasgow's Road Safety Plan 2020-2030 details the 4E's and 4P's which can help to achieve Vision Zero; where nobody is killed or seriously injured on our roads.
Taking into consideration the traditional 4E’s and 4P's throughout this digital roundtable, you can help Glasgow achieve Vision Zero.
Provide a world class road safety education and active school travel service.
Apply engineering measures to promote safe active travel and support the safe systems approach.
Support Police Scotland and civil parking and bus/cycle lane enforcement.
Work with our partners, businesses and communities to prevent and reduce collisions and their severity.
Pedestrians, cyclists and all other vulnerable road users.
All vulnerable road users.
Using the Safe Systems approach.
Be prepared for change in how people travel including, new modes of transport, technology and innovation and how this will influence casualty reduction measures.
On behalf of the Safe Glasgow Partnership, thank you to everyone who participated in the Road Safety Digital Roundtable.
A report was considered by the Safe Glasgow Partnership on 14 March 2024 provided a summary of this roundtable process. The findings from this exercise will progress through Council and partnership strategies and through the Go Safe Glasgow Road Safety Partnership plans.
Link to Safe Glasgow Partnership report on Road Safety Digital Roundtable on 14 March 2024.
Safe Glasgow Partnership