Participatory Democracy process

Road Safety Digital Roundtable

What do you believe could be done to improve road safety in your local community?

Open answers (44)

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  • Frank_Plowright_444

    Change the operating cycles of traffic lights to benefit pedestrians. People who need to use them have to wait roughly two minutes to cross, and are only given 7 seconds to do so, sometimes with inconsiderate drivers pressing their horns if lights have changed and someone has been unable to cross in 7 seconds. At crossroads this time is doubled. There is too little enforcement of illegal parking, making it difficult cross roads where cars are parked on corners. Glasgow Council is a major contributor to this problem due to not following their own guidelines about parking spaces in new developments with the excuse being a district has good local transport connections. Of course, no-one would have a car parked in Glasgow just to drive a route duplicated by a bus or train. The result is dozens of extra cars needing street parking with every new development and further spaces eroded by bike racks, bin hubs and electrical chargers.

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    • Council Officer RSU
      Council Officer RSU  •  Glasgow City Council Officer  •  2023-10-13 07:33:27

      Thank you for your comments, where possible pedestrian crossing times are extended to prioritise the movement of vulnerable road users. New Puffin crossings being installed across the city, detect pedestrian movement and automatically hold traffic until pedestrians have crossed.

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