Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

Do you think that people should be more engaged and involved in the design of digital services in the city? How might this be achieved?

Open answers (8)

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  • SMcD

    GYIP Staff - Yes, using social media and by ensuring that consultations are carried out directly with Young people in their own environment.

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    • Twentyminuteme

      Design, not necessarily. Testing at each stage along the way, absolutely, with a core of those who may have felt excluded in the past. If they still feel excluded at any step, take a step back again and resolve.

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      • Mhor_Collective

        Mhor Collective:
        People should definitely be more involved in the design of digital services, as they should with all services.
        This should be achieved by engaging with people who do not use, or are not confident users of, digital services from the outset.
        Working in partnership with third sector/community based organisations, offering paid opportunities for facilitated engagement with those who are not using the internet
        However digitisation should never be the key driver. Better-run services that respond to people’s desires and well-being should be the focus. If digital can help with that, so much the better, but the tail should not wag the dog.

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        • rh0dzy

          Of course as we know what we require in our immediate area and the city centre.

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          • Hillhead High School

            Yes, we have representatives from schools feeding back to the council on other topics, why not digital?
            Would like to have more involvement in what websites are banned as this can inhibit ability to complete work effectively. Would be beneficial if this was dependant on year group/stage in school.
            A schools' digital forum would allow feedback to be given

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            • BannermanHigh

              Yes, voices need to be heard and reached. Both in school and via technology - Tiktok / Instagram.

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              • SMcD

                GYIP Girls - Yes young people's voices need heard. Text, live consultations, Videos are useful. Engagement in schools works

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                • SMcD

                  GYIP - Better for GCC to know what Young People want. Preferably through Instagram, TicTok or bespoke young people app. Utilise youth services to embed consultation with Young People.

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