Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

The digital services that you are using now to be involved in this discussion is a new solution for facilitating online discussion and debates, which can provide the opportunity to give feedback on proposals. It can also provide the ability to vote on ideas or suggestions. What do you think of it? How would you like to see this developed further?

Open answers (9)

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  • Hillhead High School

    More awareness that this website exists
    Like to see other opinions but for these to be anonymous
    Collate and display information visually - in a word cloud or graph
    Have ability to use as an app
    Redesign the 'look' and accessibility of the website.

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    • BannermanHigh

      It needs to be more accessible to log on. It would be good to have someone deliver this presentation who knew about the background.

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      • Twentyminuteme

        I had problems even logging in to comment (which were then resolved) however this is an immediate flaw, many would not even have registered with myscotgov so that's a hurdle, then if they were to have a technical issue, having to read through FAQ's to work out who is responsible. If you then go to the effort of emailing for help, it could take a few days (by which point if it's a deadline you may miss it) and then maybe you might get to participate. So that model isn't going to fly! I'm seeing responses below which are from groups which I think is possibly the most relevant way to do this, use the digital tools to actually bring people together to have these discussions, as opposed to answering in a thread like it's a social media post, which doesn't necessarily lead to thinking deeply or being open to having your opinion changed/challenged. And for those not belonging to a group that would discuss this, finding a way to bring these people together whether in person or online.

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        • Mhor_Collective

          Mhor Collective:
          Insisting that people sign in using MyGovScot is a barrier to participation for many people. Putting this step between people and decision-making will stop people’s voices being heard.
          There’s a risk that the voices of people who aren’t online wouldn’t be heard. With a digital strategy in particular, the people you’d need to hear from are those who aren’t fully engaged with the digital world
          It relies on typing and literacy. It would be great if there were ways to improve accessibility - the option to read questions aloud and then add voice notes, for example. Or linking out to information on ways people can make their device accessible so they can participate.
          It’s designed to work a bit like a one-to-one conversation rather than a true debate
          It’s unclear what other ways people can engage i.e. non-digital means of participation. The site should make these clear

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          • SMcD

            GYIP Girls - Utilising remote and digital means for consultations is a good way of bringing the opportunity to young people. They would not engage if it wasn't facilitated by a relevant youth leader or teacher.

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            • SMcD

              GYIP Staff - The system is good for recording information form young people who wouldn't be confident to speak to committees and forums. It would need to be delivered by someone in person to facilitate answers.

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              • SMcD

                GYIP Staff - The system is good for recording information form young people who wouldn't be confident to speak to committees and forums. It would need to be delivered by someone in person to facilitate answers.

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                • SMcD

                  GYIP - Like this sort of facility. Would be likely to get involved if it interfaced better with the media that they use

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                  • SMcD

                    GYIP - Like this sort of facility. Would be likely to get involved if it interfaced better with the media that they use

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