Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

The United Nations promote a concept known as “Digital Rights”, as “Human Rights for the Digital Era”. How well do you feel informed about your digital rights? Do you think people should be better informed?

Open answers (9)

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  • Hillhead High School

    Pupils don't know what their digital rights are - some resources/training on this for staff would be valuable.
    Agreed this should be embedded within curriculum and include insight into the consequences of breaching digital rights.
    Information on the law surrounding behaviour on digital devices is important for young people to understand.
    Flip the way 'Digital Safety' is taught - should be rights led, positive language e.g 'you have the right to...'

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    • Twentyminuteme

      I haven't not heard the term, but haven't given much thought to it either. I'd say I'd be interested to know if services such as Citizens Advice are fully versed in this, for when you do have a problem that is based on your digital rights having to be exercised or being breached, as sometimes you only need to know when you need to know!

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      • Mhor_Collective

        Mhor Collective:
        ‘Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us embodying key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect and are also an essential protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment’. (AgeUK). Digital access and digital understanding are an essential enabler of these rights, and the lack of these a barrier, preventing people from enacting their rights.
        We would argue that the digital domain can gate-keep basic human rights and it is therefore imperative that everyone is supported in accessing both the digital tools and data they need, as well as in developing the digital understanding to use the internet meaningfully.

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        • rh0dzy

          Tbh I have no idea what my Digital Rights are - so yes we should be more informed.

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          • Switchqueen

            People should be better informed and more aware of their own digital footprint. People need to come to a better understanding, too, of the appropriateness of what and how they share online.

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            • SMcD

              GYIP Staff - Young people generally have access to digital technology through phones and tablets. Having the most up to date technology can be a barriers with those who can't afford to keep up feeling left out. Young people need to be more aware of online dangers and sessions to support their education in schools and youth settings will be much more relevant moving forward. The ability to avoid scams or unsuitable characters and behaviours online is a challenge.

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              • SMcD

                GYIP Staff - Young people generally have access to digital technology through phones and tablets. Having the most up to date technology can be a barriers with those who can't afford to keep up feeling left out. Young people need to be more aware of online dangers and sessions to support their education in schools and youth settings will be much more relevant moving forward. The ability to avoid scams or unsuitable characters and behaviours online is a challenge.

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                • BannermanHigh

                  No. We definitely need more training and information regarding this

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