Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

We plan to establish a set of core values that will underpin how we protect digital rights within the city, what would you like to see included within this?







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Open answers (6)

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  • Twentyminuteme

    Whatever it is, keep it simple and as jargon free as possible.

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    • Mhor_Collective

      Mhor Collective:
      Open access to data for everyone in Glasgow
      A digital rights advocacy group
      The right to support with digital skills with trusted people in the community (requires investment, not just mapping and signposting)
      Open, transparent digital services where data privacy is clearly articulated
      Embracing the Minimum Digital Living Standard, with the aim of making sure everyone should have WiFi and a device with enough capacity to access the digital world

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      • SMcD

        GYIP - GCC need to make sure that they keep up with technology in terms of AI and social media formats to ensure that systems are relevant and developing for young people.

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        • Hillhead High School

          Focus on safety/wellbeing when using digital devices
          Respecting one another/yourself online
          Guidance on how to seek help

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          • SMcD

            GYIP Girls - Charging and Wifi accessible points

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              • SMcD

                Prioritise the young people having access to local information.

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