Participatory Democracy process

Digital Glasgow Strategy 2023-2028

We are living in an increasingly digital world. What concerns you about the increasing role that digital is playing in society, our economy and how public services are provided?

Open answers (8)

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  • Switchqueen

    Exclusion of those with no access to or not comfortable with digital solutions. Over sharing of personal details of oneself/others. The feeling that people can by as unpleasant as they want because it’s online, not face to face, and the seeming lack of accountability that digital interactions involve.

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    • SMcD

      Needs to be inclusive accessible and learned by all. Older people need support.

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      • Twentyminuteme

        The assumption, in so many areas, that because something has been communicated digitally then that is job done. It isn't, far from it. The internet is a vast ocean, becoming ever more difficult to find information or for information to find you, and to avoid disinformation. This will likely only get worse as AI content begins to proliferate also, with unlmited capacity for generation. The temptation for AI being used to cut/reduce costs in a way that will not benefit us as citizens, but will only result in worsening services, is a real threat, as it has already been with aspects of automation previously.

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        • Mhor_Collective

          Mhor Collective:
          The lack of genuine transparency in digital systems, harvesting data without proper informed consent, especially from those with lower levels of digital understanding and those with lower levels of literacy

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          • Mhor_Collective

            Mhor Collective:
            The uneven spread of access to the digital world, and the skills to use digital services.

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            • Hillhead High School

              AI - risks but also the benefits on how it can be useful
              Would like a centralised system to pay for all transport - similar to Oyster card
              Concern for vulnerability of older generation/vulnerable people in the community
              Still need human interaction in the provision of public services
              Worry about reliance on technology - feeling isolated, removing need to socialise in person.

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              • SMcD

                GYIP Staff - Competition to keep up with the latest tech in young people can highlight inequalities and leave some isolated or feeling inadequate.

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                  • SMcD

                    GYIP Girls - Those without the means to purchase devices and connectivity risk being left behind/excluded. GCC should work to prevent this happening

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